Remember the new post are at the top,so read from the bottom up it won't take long to catch up.
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Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Go West Again
My deliverys went ok until i asked for my notes back at the last one,h
umm was the answer, we don't normally hand them back,but i need them i said, humm we've thrown them away (they have been shredded), like we said we don't normally hand them back (the load is a retail load picked up from the wharehouse and delivered to the shop they actually scan you in and out letting the wharehouse know that the load is correct and has been delivered)this isn't any good for our company as now im been made aware off, when i send a message to let them know of the problem.Unfortuantely this antiquated message thing can take ages after 20 mins off nothing i had to pull out of the way and let another driver on the bay but as there was now nowhere to park the earliest place to pull in was about 5 mile down the road.Ding: Messa
ge we need a signed copy of delivery note,Hello people im not sure what part off they have thrown all the paperwork away didn't they understand.This message went back and forth for quite a few times thus resulting in, yes they manged to press that little button i have called EXPLODE(I try to always stay calm and take everything in my stride in which is the case most times).The last message from me was," i will wait here you sort it out".At the end of my arms are hands not wands, i can not make things reappear im not a magician, i think by this time they got the message, i was told to go back they have a note for me,so off i go and im presented with a piece of paper signed, so letting despatch know of this i was asked to wait there until they had contacted t
he wharehouse, i would of thought the easiest thing to do was to fax this straight over to them leaving me out of this would off been better but what do i know.The last time i had paperwork problems was at Goshen and we all know what happened there.Ding: message thats ok.I returned to the land of peace and tranquility once more, this little episode put me back a couple of hours but i still wanted to get down to Saskatoon for the night and most importantly get a shower.Leaving Saskatoon the next morning all refreshed, i pulled up to a set of lights and the car in front stood out a bit well the number plate did you don't see many cars down here from ALASKA maybe he was just lost(ive always wanted to go there).M
y journey was to be pretty much the same going back as the one i took coming over here,i wanted to stop in Winnipeg for a shower and speak to Lady Pen on skype before heading over to Kenora in Ontario where i wanted to park up for the night.I had seen on my way down here various laybys about 30kms east of here coming down, and decided to stop there for the night by the lake, what a beautifull sight to wake up to makes a very nice change to truck stops.There isnt very many laybys at all over here not like in the U
K.I was
planning to get back to Brampton for around tea time thursday then if i was heading back east i could just make it back before i needed a reset,anyway i get a message asking if i wanted to run back over to Calgary, sure no probs was my response,so my delivery is due in Calgary Tuesday morning, ive decided to run straight back over to Winnipeg have my reset there and i should just make my delivery time tuesday morning (the 3 hour time difference has certainly hepled here).
Monday, 28 June 2010
I got to Edmonton 10.00am PEI time which means due to my delivery time gives me enough time to take 24 hours off,feel like a proper part timer now half days here, days off there oh well im on a wind down now to my summer holiday in which i get the best part of a 6 weeks off YIPEE,i know some will disagree but i feel ive earn't it.I had a very nice day in Edmonton struggling to find somewhere to park near the Mall but ended up having a good look around.Its certainly different from the last time i came,it was the midst of winter and it had just had a massive snow fall,so its nice to see it this way.The temps soaring into the mid 30's made it a very enjoyable day.Im on the look out for pressie to take home in which my daughter thinks that shes going to be very spoilit, unfortunately since i have been here i have missed her last year at high school in which she has just finished her exams.I know how extremely hard she has worked for these over the last 12 months so maybe a little extra maybe won't hurt.My delivery is in Ludec a small City about 10kms south of Edmonton and a very nice place i went for a walk around the park, its extremely pleasing that people actually say hello and smile at you,my 2nd delivery will be in Edmonton before i head back to Toronto empty,the customer whos trailer it is pay for the trailer to come back empty so makes it a very easy run back.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
A Change in Scenery
My journey continued through Ontario well into friday afternoon,and was enjoyable as the previous day,running past Lake Nipigon then down to skirt Thunder Bay,before heading west again,towards Dryden,and eventually entering the prairies in Manitoba
.This is where the landscape changed to very flat land and which was going to stay that way all the way into Saskatchewen.Ive travelled in these two provinces before and remember how flat it was, although this time i was heading up route 16 to Saskatoon instead of highway 1.Now since i have had to eat my words about Ontario im not going to say anything negative about these 2 provinces until ive seem more,but what ive seen is its very (flat flat flat).My plan was to make Saskatoon, then that should leave me with about a 5 hr drive to Edmonton, with the time difference from PEI i was going to take 24 hrs off.As it happens i believe there is a huge shopping mall there so sunday is going to be a day of being a tourist.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Its All Mine To Discover
Monday, 21 June 2010
A Very Rare Weekend Off
Friday, 18 June 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
More And More New Places Am i on me Jollys
New States Visited:Maryland,Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia and Tennesse.
The Big Positives
Where do you start without being repetitive,i suppose i will just recap previous weeks and say i really didnt think how hard some days would be. When i have read other peoples blogs although they do touch the subject of how they feel thats a bout it,as many of you who have taken time to read this may find that sometimes thats all ive gone on about, unfortunately as boring as this might be its a massive part of whats going on in our quest for this better life.When i look back, the other friday night sat morning was probably the turning point in our future, how i actually got through those couple of days is a mistery and maybe that has shown what im actually capable off (or just so bloody stubborn i refused to give in),before i came out here i couldn't cook,wash my clothes or iron i had been pretty much waited on hand and foot for years (since i came off long Haul in Europe) i was even tucked in most nights by Lady Pen lol,now im pretty independant although i still hate cooking.The positives i have taken out of those dark times are immense i really can feel things are heading in the right direction i feel great about being over here it doesn't feel like a chore.Our PR Procceedings are in full swing now all forms completed and returned including all the rest of what was required with them,i have decided to do it all myself, luckily for us i met up with the Lady who deals with the PEI PNP program and she was brilliant in helping me with what i needed so fingers crossed everything will go as smoothly as poss.Another big positive is im going back soon to the Uk for a few weeks and then were off to Turkey for a very well earned Vacation.We were going to have one over here but due to the cost of flying everyone out here then actually going away as well was deemed well to expensive.This is probably the first time that we can actually start planning out future.
Monday, 7 June 2010
Lady Pens New Pets?
Lady Pen has relatives who live in BC,they live east off Quesnel out in the Sticks so to speak and this is there drive upto there homes which is about 5 km's long off the highway.When Geoff was on his way home the other day lying across the track was a Bear.Later when he was speaking to Lady Pen on Skype telling her about this she asked if he got any photos unfortunately he didnt have his camera with him,so armed with Camera off he drove back down the track and here is what he saw,Momma and 3 bears roaming around. When we were over there we spotted a couple of them its quite awe inspiring seeing these in real life.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Dont Open the Door !!!!!!!!
Sorry the Post it Note fell off my head when i was asleep so still no Batteries.If this continues i will post some photos of previous trips maybe also ones when i was in BC.Got to Montreal no probs as i approached my drop there were a load of trucks outside, non seem to be making a move to the gate, so i thought i would chance my luck and just act stupid if this was the wrong thing to do (i know i dont have to try to hard).As i pulled up to the gatehouse a guard came out, here we go i thought as she rattled something off in french, parlez vous English i replied, now that shocked you pretty good eh.In Quebec French is the chosen lauguage everything is french all the road signs etc,so in broken english she asked for my notes,off she trotted couple of minutes later gave me a pager thing and telling me to park up and when it goes off go on to bay 99, sound i thought well i hadn't even parked up when this thing started to vibrate bloody eck it was that powerfull it fell straight off the dash (now now girls i know what your thinking take that big smile off your face and behave)what a cool idea this is, no dealing with any no marks etc,when they have finished it goes off to let me know i can leave (yes girls its goes off twice and for about 4/5 mins, behave)back to the gatehouse where this nice young lady provides you with your notes.The next 2 drops were the other side off the city which was the way i was eventually heading for so making my trip a little easier.Done and dusted just before dinner and my last 2 drops not due till the next morning in Toronto, i planned to stay at Napanee which is a couple of hrs away from there, i wasnt going to bother going any nearer as it would be rush hour and i really couldnt be bothered so a rather nice early finish was on the cards.Up bright and breezy first drop done i headed to Woodbridge just north of the city, pulled down the side of the wharehouse and walked around the back now this was 7.15am so not really early, around the back was a loading bay with all the vans on the bays (this wasn't a big place)up the stairs i went opened the door and one almighty alarm started to sound,so i stood there and waited and waited and waited, no one appeared the alarm still sounding i started to wander around in the offices still no one appeared, Very Strange i thought, so i walked back to the truck, kettle on and quick brew.About half hour later cars started to appear then some guy asked me what i had then told me to put it on the bay, easier said than done a right tight place to get around.This bit sort of stunned me the guy inside asked me what time i arrived etc, when i told him he then asked if i had set the alarm off, in which i replied yes,he told me i shouldnt of opened the door because there wasnt anyone there, the guy who locks up forgets to lock this one half the time.How am i suppose to know but as hes going off on one, another guy defends me saying that its not my fault, i found out later this guy was scottish and been here a few years,(not very often you get a jock standing up for an english man).I eventually get out of there and make my way down to Cambridge where my reload is, no point rushing there you can be in there all day wrong wrong wrong my trailers is already loaded 20 mins in and out .I saw there was a big accident on the highway as i came down it so i thought instead off hitting all the traffic i would head south pick up the QEW (highway) run straight through downtown Toronto and out the otherside missing all the action, it sort of worked there were still loads traffic putting about an hour on to my journey but hey you have to try.The load i have is for Moncton Monday morning then i will hopefully run straight back out,now those who read this know i would like to go to California and before i return back to England which is pretty soon, so i think its time to start tightening the screw on despatch,there are a couple of options here,no1, give me a load to lets say San Fransisco in which i will duly accept and off i trot, im getting paid the truck is earning so the company are earning everyone is happy,or no2, what i will have to do is book a couple of weeks off and fly to San Fransisco,now the truck isnt earning but also i will mither somone else to go with me,so now 2 trucks arn't earning and they will mither someone else to come next thing everyone is off to San Fransisco all the trucks are stood, the company goes bust, you will have to give your home up and live on the streets and when we all come back from there all tanned we will have to throw you a tooney cos you cant afford to buy your timmys.You never know it might work. C A L I F O R N I A
A Quick Shout for my Big Siss (In Law) Chele who leaves comments from time to time on here and on Facebook off how she enjoys reading this,she is either very bored at work or Neil isn't taking her out much,also thank you all for taking time to read this,If i can help anybody in anyway please feel free to fire any questions to me no matter how daft you think they might be, believe me i asked some very strange ones before i came out here, and a big thanks to those who leave comments i really do appreciate it.
A Quick Shout for my Big Siss (In Law) Chele who leaves comments from time to time on here and on Facebook off how she enjoys reading this,she is either very bored at work or Neil isn't taking her out much,also thank you all for taking time to read this,If i can help anybody in anyway please feel free to fire any questions to me no matter how daft you think they might be, believe me i asked some very strange ones before i came out here, and a big thanks to those who leave comments i really do appreciate it.
Friday, 4 June 2010
How many Mistakes do i need to make before i hit myself
Full of the joys of spring and ready to work after a very enjoyable couple of days off.Truck sorted i headed off to St George New Brunswick for a load of fresh fish,3 drops Montreal and 2 drops Toronto.A quick appology for the lack of photos lately i keep forgetting to buy some batteries for the camera (proverty stricken and all that)which was a shame because the run out to St George is really nice, so i have smacked my little handies and stuck a post it note on my forehead.Anyhow all along this coastline of New Brunswick is very quaint a bit like Nova scotia so i was really enjoying myself.Eventually i find the place i was heading for i turn into the gate, wrong gate, next door i was told i go there, nope next one down derr.Loaded pretty handy, notes sorted, i look for a suitable way to go and decide to head towards St Stephen, then shoot off towards highway 3, Mr tom agrees, the map looks good some small roads but you know nothing i cant handle so i thought.Quite happily motoring through the New Brunswick countryside i then hit a problem a very big problem,as i turned onto the highway3 in which it had taken my about 25/30 mins to get there,all in its glory 1 13foot bridge (the only sign telling me it was there was about 25 yards before nice to get some warning) theres no way i can get under that,so about turn quick look at the map turn south straight down to St Stephen onto the highway, then i can turn onto highway 6. So off i go, all going to plan then problem number 2, very big problem, me not noticing on the map that the highway actually goes into America (this is a very big no no you just cant cross the border like this) and where do i find out about 1 mile from the border and i have just passed the last exit ARGGGGG.Hussing and cussing to myself i slowed down to see if there was anywhere to turn around but nothing, then in the no mans land bit i see a turning in the centre so i head for that.Unfortunately i still have to go through the Canadian border crossing now from experience these guys aren't the most approachable people i have met, so i was actually s***ing myself.Trying to fumble some words out to the guy of what a pratt i am and how im actually not even supposed to be here, probably made the thing sort of pleasureable for him,his response was no problem mate i saw you turn round what a nice chap, then said well who's gonna win the world cup,which really through me of guard, sheepishly you can guess who i said with a big grin ENGLAND (who did you think im going to say).I have a cross of St George (for all those unaware the patron saint of england) on the front of my truck and he saw it,i then spent the next 5 mins chatting about football with him, sorry for all the guys waiting to cross behind me he couldn't chat enough, i said my goodbyes and set off, easiest way back head to St Johns and then head north, taking in driving past the place i had loaded at, this little jaunt had only cost me 2 hours (ONLY)making my big day a very big day oh well you live and learn.So i eventually got back to the Trans Canadian and headed for montreal.Just dropping down through Woodstock down to where the i95 starts (this road takes you down to the border) there is a massive hill and obviously me in a bit of a rush just let the truck go for it, half way down in the centre median in the pitch black a state tropper with a speed gun, as i pass his lights come on and my thoughts were here we go, heres my first speeding ticket i was doing about *5,luckily for me a car had come flying up behind me, as he turned off the highway Mr Policeman shot after him, one very lucky escape,i was a little hestitent on the hills after that.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
The Elder Statesman
I revert back to my last post with the statement of meetings and partings,sometimes life has a great way of kicking you in the lower region then picking you up and giving you a big hug,well thats what has sort of happened over the last few days.A few weeks ago a new driver appeared from the UK, i had sort of had some correspondence with him in my comments but we hadn't spoke.We met very briefly while he was training but that was about it, so i hadn't really forged any sort of friendship.On my way back to PEI i get a text asking how im doing etc, anyone who has followed this blog can see the big ups ive been through and the extremely very lows that have followed, but the guy hit the nail on the head in one foul swoop in a text, you never seem to unwind and eventually it takes its toll, the joy of what your trying to achieve is over shaddowed by the constant work and chasing etc.Last time i took a couple of days off nearly put an end to my time in Canada,suitcase packed i was on my way back,so i wasn't much looking forward to taking some very needed time off.We both got back the same day and planned a bit of dinner and a couple of Buds, well this was the start of the best couple of days ive had in a long time, what a refreshing change to have a laugh and some extremely good company.then to follow the next day a very entertaining game of squash,i do have a lot to learn.So its back to work in the morning, im off to load fish out of New Brunswick for Quebec then after that not sure maybe California (Please).
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Empty Void
Life is full of meetings and partings, throughtout my working career i have worked at numerous companys,met some great guys and girls they certainly out way the ones i couldnt care less about.Already in an emotional state of mind it doesn't take much to tip me over the edge and i suppose recently the turn off events probably played a big part of me wanting to jump ship.While i have been here ive struck up friendship with a few guys, none more than 2 Daft lads from yorkshire 1 with extremely short arms and very deep pockets (midget was his inherited nickname)the other well just daft LOL.It was becoming apparent over various conversations that both were becoming dissulussioned with everything here for one reason or another, i think this then starts to plant seeds into your mind about the whole situation.Unfortunately both have decided to go back to the UK which left me very saddened and empty,we shared some great times together and a good few laughs.Previous experience has taught me that with all the best intentions sometimes keeping in touch becomes increasing unlikely but hopefully with these 2 guys that will buck the trend.Russ left the island yesterday with his family and will be back in the UK on thursday so although very sad i never got to say goodbye to his face ( probably better as seeing a grown man crying isnt a pretty sight) Ian has gone of with the love of his life on a bit of a jaunt around Canada before he heads back home in a month, so who knows if we can have a final beer before he heads back, and just maybe he will pay for it, ok very unlikely but stranger things have happened, but you never know lol.I wish these 2 guys the very best of luck for the future and will miss you both very much Take Care and look after yourselfs.
And one last note How very dare you.
And one last note How very dare you.
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