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Sunday 20 March 2011

The Arrival of Lady Pen And a Trip to New York (Part 1)

Well if there is one thing to come out of this whole experience two words sums it up NEW YORK.When i came just before christmas with the fresh prince it opened a new can of worms for me and ever since then i've been itching to get back.So what better way to go to the greatest city in the World than share it with the greatest wife in the world (oh how cheesy is that lol).I wangled another load down to Newark then off we set for 3 days of pure site seeing and how lucky we were with the weather, the sun was belting down and spring was materialising rapidly.Taking advantage of this we decided to go for a stroll around the beautiful Central Park ( i wanted to don on some running gear and join the many joggers enjoying this lovely day)Maybe a New York Marathon could be on the cards.We stumbled upon the beautiful Bethesda Fountain and Terrace (this is where John Lennon used to go and Yoko Ono still pays for the up keep of this beautiful place).You can see why so many New Yorkers head for the park it feels so Tranquil you would never guess your only a couple of minutes from such caoticness.We decided to head for 5th avenue taking in the Famous Plaza hotel on our way (we even got brave and had a look inside) before heading for Tiffanys, isn't it funny how us men are told how good that item of jewelery would look good on them HUMMM Lol. Lady Pen decided she wanted of piccy taken with a NYPD Cop so after a little chat one kindly obliged to the laughter of his colleague.Time started to catch up with us so off we headed down to The Rockafellar Centre for some well earned Tea,then a little sight seeing and shopping around Times Square,we had alot planned for the next couple of days so we decided to call it a night,(it was 11pm)where had all the time gone, this city never sleeps infact i think there are more people about in the late evening then in the day (are they nocturnal) lol.

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