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Saturday 16 April 2011

The Beginning of the End

So the royal visit came to an end and Lady Pen jetted back to good olde Blighty,and i reluctantly went back to work for my final last few months over here in Canada.We decided a good few months ago that Canada was appealing less and less to us, so our PR was retracted and come the end of May im heading back East.We always said that our life over here had to be better than the one we have back home and unfortunately we really dont think it will,maybe we could have a bigger house with a larger garden but thats not really for us,there are many reason which make up this descision but this may come as a surprise that it isn't anything to do with Bulk Carriers (although they do have some big issues to deal with).I fell in love with America and i love the East Coast from Portland Maine,Boston,New Jersey,Maryland,Virgina and the Carolinas then there is New York the list is endless, and i believe Canada doesn't even come a close second.I love Long Haul America i find it far more enjoyable than trucking in Canada infact it bores the pants of me, as soon as i start heading back across the border i go on a right downer.If i ever returned it would be only on a TWP so i can once more drive USA i have no intentions of ever wanting to settle here.Making this descison hasn't been easy we really wanted to make it work but i think when you know you know.So work were informed off my intentions and i think a little sad i was going but ive given them enough notice to replace me as im sure your all aware will be extremely difficult lol.So back to work and its pretty much been the same old stuff the east coast triangle work,which has unfortuantely involved some hefty sitting around waiting to load on the docks of Wilmington and Gloucester City the last being a good old 13 hrs which eneded up with me losing it a little a finally after getting loaded being escorted of site (unfortunately i wasn;t banned but i did try maybe next time lol).I suppose my temper has been a little thin of late and all and sundry have coped it, i think i just want to go home now and this is just prelonging a little to much.I was asked if i wanted to deliver a load over to Newfoundland although the pay is pretty dire, i agreed as i haven't been there before so thought it would make a nice change and tick off another been to place.We have to get the ferry from Sydney Nova Scotia over to Port Aux Basques which is approximately 7 1/2 hr crossing so something different to look forward to.


  1. Hi Dom,
    I'm very sorry you've made this decision, but do understand your reasons. Not so sure withdrawing PR was so good, in case you change your mind.?

  2. Hi Alan,
    I didnt want to continue PR any longer, another 6 months plus when we decided that Canada isn't for us.If i was ever to return it would only be on a temporary basis and as you know there are many companies now offering LMO's.If i was looking to pursue a life over here(which im not anymore) it would be down in the States although this is extremely hard to achieve.I do have some plans which really excite me and hopefully will come good in the next few weeks. Be good mate and i hope all is well keep in Touch Dom

  3. sorry to see you go mate, good luck in what ever you do

  4. Thanx Dave much Appreciated,keep up your travels mate i enjoy reading what your up to.

  5. Sorry to hear of your decision matey, hope its the right one after everything you've been through?
    Been good keeping up with your travels on the blog and on FB.
    Maybe see you in a cafe over here sometime and finally get to meet you in person.
    All the best for the future, whatever it brings.

  6. Thanks Mark,hopefully we can bump into each other
    Be good Mate

  7. Think its best decsion you have made mate, Canada isnt all its cracked up to be... and I bet your glad to be shot of that motel aka porn hotel, whoops, dont let the wife see this tho, she will find out just what all you men have been up to in your motel rooms with the easy local females, picked up at the legion and round house...all of you from what I have heard, hmmmmmm

  8. Hi Anon,How right you are Canada is definately not all its cracked up to be let me put it politely It and its people are F**king Backward,and i cant wait to get away from the motel.Im sure my wife will read your comment and im sure she is as intrigued as i am to know what we have been upto surely you must know more than most so please write on.The legion and where round house (dont you mean what use to be the roadhouse) really the plot thickens as for the easy local females dont you mean st james gate and dooleys then again i do have standards.
