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Monday 5 July 2010

ON and ON and On and ON

What a contrast in journey it is coming from Toronto to Cagary,lovely nice scenery in Ontario then as soon as you hit Manitoba BANG the most boring drive in the Whole of Canada now awaits you all the way to Calgary.The praries in which Manitoba and Saskatchewan are, are actually soul distroying,ive done this run a few times now and im only commenting on the places ive been through so if you live in these areas Provinces maybe you could stick up for them but i do know Canadians who were born here and they say they wouldn't return but each to there own.This part of the Trans Canadian in which you travel on to Calgary and the Yellowhead highway in which you travel on to Saskatoon then on to Edmonton if you like is just endless.Maybe its because where im from is on the edge of the Pennines so the rough hilly terrain is what i like, maybe thats why British Columbia,New Brunswick,NovaScotia appeal to me more than a mundane flat fields of nothing.So tomorrow i tip in Cagary then ive been informed that im running back m/t again which suits me fine we dont get paid for pick up and deliveries (the first pick up and first drop)so i'll be back in Toronto friday dinnertime all been well and who knows where im going after that.

1 comment:

  1. Ontario Canuck7 July 2010 at 01:07

    I had to chuckle at your description of driving across the prairie provinces, only because I couldn't disagree with you, and neither would other long-time Canadian drivers.

    It's been twelve years since I was out west where I took a direct flight from Vancouver to Toronto, but I have driven that route many times (for pleasure, not work) over the previous years...and it is a boring drive.

    In fact, some 30 years ago I was working near Saskatoon (being from Northern Ontario) but I soon tired of those monotonous flat lands and dry air quality, so returned to my home province.

    For a trucker wanting to put the miles quickly behind you with as little traffic as possible, I would have thought that route would be an advantage, but I suppose like most drivers, any diversion is a welcomed relief... even a slight curve in the road, if one hasn't fallen asleep by that time.

    Anyhow, glad to see you're still persevering on this side of "the pond". Being away from your family is not an easy task, but it won't last forever.
