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Monday 4 October 2010


After missing  the worlds largest truckstop in Iowa the other day we decided because we had a little spare time to make an effort and call in on the way back,unfortuantely for you i couldnt bring myself to take any photos of the place its  just the same as any other stop execpt bigger, not sure what i was expecting but it doesn't take a lot to impress me and this place didnt.So sorry about that i know off other bloggers who have stopped there and have taken photos if you want to check them out.Well its back to the land of cold after the soaring heat of Nevada and California,although our delivery didn't actualy go to plan,our saturday delivery was put back to Sunday morning giving us that afternoon off.So glad rags on and off to the pictures for a very pleasent afternoon,i even treated us to a meal in the evening i will have to stop spoiling the fresh prince he might start getting used to such genorosity.We will be back on PEI Tuesday dinnertime then im going to take a few days off get myself to the gym, a good run and a sauna is on the cards, and maybe the odd Bud will pass my lips, that was one quick month, and not one post of how much im missing LadyPen,how long will that last Hummmm.


  1. I`ve been enjoying your blog its good to see what lifes like on the other side of the pond.
    Keep them comeing!
